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Frequently Asked Questions
Trading platform
Onboarding process
Frequently asked questions
Relevant documents
Trading platform
Change account and details
Procedure for the Transfer of Triodos Certificates in the Event of Inheritance
How do I open a trading account with Captin?
How can I change my address and email?
How can I change my counter account?
How can I close my account?
I am unable to log in. What do I do?
See all 9 articles
When will my depositary receipts become tradable?
Interim dividend 2024
Am I entitled to dividends?
How do I place an order?
Step-by-step plan to place a buy order
How does an auction of Triodos Depository Receipts operate?
See all 18 articles
Are there any costs associated with opening, maintaining and closing a trading account?
What are the transaction costs?
Which fees are charged for transfers that do not follow from transactions?
Why are additional transaction costs withheld?
Can Captin change the fees charged for transactions and/or the use of the Market?
Belgian Stock Exchange Transactions Tax
Transfer of Triodos Depository Receipts
How can I change my account language?
Why is my own name not at the top?
When will I be able to trade?
My booked balance is not visible in the trading platform.
How can I transfer money to my portfolio on the trading platform?
Why has my money been transferred back without my instruction?
Why does the value of my portfolio change each trading round?
Can I transfer funds from Captin to another account?
I have Depository Receipts indicating 'Currently Not Trading' What do I do?
See all 7 articles
What is the ‘Provisional price’?
How does order allocation work?
What is the price of the depository receipt?
When will the new trading price be visible?
Where can I see the historical price?
Waiver registration
How can I register for the waiver?
What does waiver registration mean for Triodos certificate holders?
Onboarding process
Sign up and log in
I am unable to log in. What do I do?
How can I register on Captin's trading platform to buy and sell Triodos certificates?
I have not received an activation email. What do I do now?
Questions about the identification and verification process
How does the identification process for opening a trading account at Captin work?
When identifying, I get the message 'Something went wrong'. What do I do?
Which identity documents can I use?
My information (on the identity card) is not approved. How do I solve this?
I can't take a good photo of my ID card. What do I do now?
What do I do with 'tilt document'?
See all 15 articles
Fraud, Scams, and Phishing
Caution: Fake websites active! Check your Captin URL.
Frequently asked questions
About Captin
Who is Captin?
What is your request for help and how can we best help you?
I have a complaint. How do I file my complaint?
Which terms and conditions apply?
How does Captin process personal data?
Relevant documents
Captin - Relevant documents
Irrevocable Power of Attorney for dematerialisation of Triodos Bank Depository Receipts for Shares
Transaction fees and other fees
Investment Agreement & Investment Conditions - Captin Broker
Captin Multilateral Trading Facility Rule Book
Trading Rules