How can I transfer money to my portfolio on the trading platform? How can I transfer money to my portfolio on the trading platform?

How can I transfer money to my portfolio on the trading platform?

If you intend to buy Depository Receipts, you need to transfer sufficient funds into the Captin deposit account. This amount should cover both the buy price and the associated costs, including a standard fixed fee of €5 for each order placed and an execution fee of 0.30% of the transaction amount.

IBAN:                         NL29 TRIO 0320 6091 54
BIC:        TRIONL2U
Account Name:    Stg. Bewaarinst. Captin
Reference:             Captin account number

Where can I find my Captin account number?

To find your Captin account number, follow these steps:

1. Go to
2. Click on your 'Portfolio' and select 'Personal Information'.
3. Access your personal details.
- Do this by clicking on the following icon in the top right corner:
4. Here you will find your Captin account number. This is not your specified counter account with Captin.

We will prepare the amount in your account within 24 hours of receipt on working days.

Please note that holders of Depository Receipts in the United Kingdom are unable to place buy orders.

Note: During the first six months after trade has been resumed, Captin will not charge the fixed fee of €5 per order placed.