Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a unique code required for any legal entity that invests in financial instruments through a regulated exchange such as Captin. When the legal entity executes a transaction, this identifier is used to identify it. We record your LEI and use it in our reporting to supervisory authorities.

Submit your LEI code to Captin.

Please select "Submit documents" in the section: "What do you want to do?". 

What happens if I do not have a LEI code?

Please note that if you do not have a LEI code you will not be able to buy or sell Depository Receipts.

How do I get a LEI code?

You can apply for a LEI from a foreign LEI issuing institution. There may be costs associated with this. More information about applying for a LEI from a foreign institution can be found on the website of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation.